1.5kg small pickling onions peeled
60g (1/4 cup) salt dissolved in each 600ml water
1½ tablespoons
added, to each 600ml vinegar
Place onions in a bowl, pour over sufficient brine to cover completely.
Set aside for 12 hours. Pour off brine, pack onions into sterilised jars. Cover onions with Ezy sauce mixture.
Sterilise at about 72 Celsius for ¾ hour using suitable sterilising equipment.
Now the longer you leave these sit in the jar the nicer they are.
NB: Wild's Ezy Sauce comes in a brown stubby-like bottle and is made by Cerebos. It's available mainly through Coles Supermarkets and can be found on the shelf near the dried herbs & spices. It quite often sells out about a month before Christmas - so if you are wanting to make your Pickled Onions as a Chrissy gift....get in early.
If you can't find it on the self ask the store Grocery Manager about it.
Product I.D. Code 128376
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